15-17 October 2019 Tirana, Albania: Second round 3-days training on International Cooperation

15-17 October 2019 – Tirana, Albania –  Second round of 3-days training on International Coopertaion

This training is continuation of the Regional Mutual Legal Assistance and Asset Recovery Training held on 11-13 June 2019 in Skopje, Macedonia.

Sessions will be attended judges/prosecutors/experts from Ministries of Justice selected by the judicial training institutes and the respective Ministries.


The overarching objective of the training was to enhance the abilities of the participants to provide and request successful international cooperation in transnational crime cases, in particular relating to asset tracing, freezing and confiscation. The design of the training was based on interactive methods and interventions. It included provision of tools & templates and the consolidating of the learning through an engaging interactive and immersive exercise using unique specialist software (View360 Global™) that has already been successfully used in nine other jurisdictions worldwide.

The training is developed for prosecutors, judges and experts from the International Cooperation Departments at the Ministries of Justice who have experience and work on asset recovery cases. Therefore, the nominated participants were able to take active part in the exercises of the workshop.

The training is organized within the regional project “Strengthening Anti-Corruption in South East Europe through Improving Asset Seizure Measures” with the support of UK Government and Konrad Adenauer Foundation.

RAI Secretriat

18 July 2019