Summer School for Junior Magistrates from South Eastern Europe, June 9 – 15, 2008, Kotor, Montenegro


RAI Secretariat, in cooperation with the hosting Montenegrin Directorate for Anti-corruption Initiative, co-organized the annual Summer School for Junior Magistrates on June 9 – 15, 2008, in Kotor, Montenegro. The event was organized for a third consecutive time and was dedicated to the “International Standards and Cooperation in the Fight against Corruption”.

It consisted of four main training modules:

  1. International standards in anti-corruption – the implementation of relevant conventions of United Nations and Council of Europe;
  2. Anti-corruption policies and preventive measures – available tools and best practices;
  3. EU experience regarding the international judicial cooperation in criminal matters stressing on the activity of structures like OLAF, EUROPOL, INTERPOL and EUROJUST;
  4. Reform of the judiciary and anti-corruption, as challenges of the EU accession process.

The Summer School for Junior Magistrates was opened by Mr. Miras Radovic – Minister of Justice of Montenegro. The junior magistrates spent one week in academic environment in the beautiful Bay of Kotor gaining from the knowledge and experience of honorable lecturers from relevant state anti-corruption bodies, international organizations and civil society. The young prosecutors and judges were given the opportunity to exchange ideas and good practices on the anti-corruption field, to comment the weak and the strong points of their daily work, thus building bridges between the people in South – Eastern Europe.

The framework of the Summer School included presentations by experts from UNODC, Council of Europe, Slovenian Anti-corruption Commission, Vienna University of Economics and Business, EULEX mission in Kosovo, Bulgarian Prosecutor’s Office and Romanian Ministry of Justice. During the special outdoor session, the junior magistrates visited the Basic Court and the municipality of Kotor, holding meetings with Mr. Branko Vuckovic – president of the court and Mrs. Marija Maja ?atovi? – president of the municipality.

The event was closed with a certificate ceremony lead by Mrs. Vesna Ratkovic – RAI Chairperson and Director of the hosting Directorate for Anti-corruption Initiative and Mr. Edmond Dunga – Head of RAI Secretariat, following the final written evaluation of the attendants.

Additional information:


List of Participants


Summer School for Junior Magistrates – Stanislav Aleksandrov,

Framework for Cooperation and Sharing Best Practices in Fighting Corruption in SEE – Stanislav Aleksandrov,

International Cooperation Provisions of the United Nations Convention against Corruption – Demostenes Chryssikos,

Anti-Corruption Policies and Preventive Measures – Roman Prah,

Anti-Corruption Policies and Preventive Measures – Dimitar Hadzhiyski,

The Fight against Corruption and Criminal Law in Austria – Mag. Florian Singer,

How is Romania Fighting Corruption – Lavinia Daciana Miclea

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