IRC Project

Integrity and resistance to corruption of the criminal judicial system in South Eastern Europe (SEE)

Project area:
South Eastern European RAI member countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania and Serbia)

U.S. Department of State, through Regional Cooperation Council (RCC)


Regional Anti-Corruption Initiative (RAI) Secretariat – overall management and supervision Transparency International Romania (for the methodology and survey instrument preparation, survey conducting and data processing of findings)


September 2008 – September 2010

The overall objective of this project is to improve national and regional law enforcement capacities and coordination in preventing and combating high level corruption in SEE, bringing existing national mechanisms into compliance with international and European standards and best practices.The project consists of a survey organized in each RAI Member State coordinated by national Ministries of Justice and Interior as well as General Prosecutor’s offices with the purpose to assess, at national level, legal practitioners’ (judges, prosecutors and police officers) experiences in investigating and prosecuting high level corruption, the existence of corruption as a phenomenon in their professional activity, and the vulnerabilities to corruption of the national criminal justice systems.The final results of the project survey on ”Integrity and Resistance to Corruption of the Criminal Judicial System in SEE” were presented in May 2010, in Bucharest – Romania, during the Anti-Corruption Conference organized to mark the 10th anniversary of RAI. The survey was financed by US Department of State and implemented by RAI Secretariat, RCC and TI Romania.

Please, have a look at the attached Survey Report.