Preventive – Montenegro Anti Corruption Institutional Framework

Implementation & Coordination of Anti-Corruption Policies, 

Monitoring, Conflict of Interest and Asset Disclosure

– Agency on Prevention of Corruption  – click for more information




tel. +382 020 44 77 02

General information

Established: 2016

Structure: headed by Director who oversee Division for implementation of measures of control of financing of political entities and election campaigns, Division for prevention of corruption, integrity, lobbying and implementation of international standards, Department of international cooperation and standards and Department of IT. The Director is accountable to the Council of the Agency on Prevention of Corruption. Council consists of four members and a President elected by the National Assembly of Montenegro.

Competencies: the Agency took over the responsibilities of the Directorate for Anti-Corruption Initiative and Commission for Prevention of Conflict of Interest. It establishes existence of conflict of interest and takes measures for its prevention, controls restrictions in the exercise of public function and controls the data on income and assets of public officials, makes recommendations on whistleblower protection and preventing corruption, gives opinion on draft laws in the field of anti-corruption, monitors adoption and implementation of integrity plans and issues misdemeanour reports and proceedings.

Level of Independence

– Permanence: Law on Prevention of Corruption (Adopted in 2014, came into force in 2016), Statute of the Agency on Prevention of Corruption (2016)

– Appointment: Director of the Agency on Prevention of Corruption is selected by the Council of the Agency after public competition procedure.

– Removal: President of the Council of the Agency can initiate the process of removal of the Director.

– Financial Autonomy: Budget of the Agency is proposed by the Director to the Council of the Agency. The Council adopts the budget, while the National Assembly of Montenegro approves it.