7th SPAI Steering Group Meeting – May 6, 2004, Sveti Stefan, Montenegro

The 7th Steering Group Meeting took place in Sveti Stefan, Republic of Montenegro, on 5th – 6th May 2004. It was organized by the Stability Pact Anticorruption Initiative Regional Secretariat Liaison Office in Sarajevo in cooperation with the Montenegrin Government represented by the Anticorruption Initiative Agency.

The main objectives of the 7th Steering Group were to:

  1.  assess the progress made both at national and regional level in the implementation of the SPAI Strategy adopted in September 2003;
  2.  debate and approve the SPAI RSLO DRAFT WORK PLAN for 2004;
  3.  identify the short and medium term priorities for the SPAI member states and areas of assistance;
  4. debate and adopt a decision on the role of the SPAI in SEECP Joint Campaign to Fight Organized Crime and Corruption.

Meeting documents:


List of participants
