13th RAI Steering Group Meeting – October 29-30, 2009 – Sofia, Bulgaria


The 13th RAI Steering Group (SG) Meeting took place in Sofia, Bulgaria, on October 29 – 30, 2009. The event was hosted by the Bulgarian Ministry of Interior. It focused the discussions on the adoption of new Work Plan for 2010 – 2011, which would set up the priority areas for support and development in the member states of the Initiative for the next two years.

Among the other issues discussed at the SG Meeting was the financial report of RAI Secretariat, the countries’ annual Progress Reports, administrative issues, the On-line Anti-corruption Resource Center, RAI up-coming events, etc.

For more details, please check the agenda, list of participants and the summary, conclusions and decisions of the 13th RAI SG Meeting attached below.

List of participants
Conclusions and decisions
Work Plan 2010-2011