Serbia: Anti-Corruption Agency comments on real estate law

The law on special conditions of sale of certain state-owned real estate contains risks of corruption, Serbia’s Anti-Corruption Agency has stated.


The qualification is contained in the agency’s corruption risk assessment sent to the Serbian parliament and government on Thursday.

According to the Agency’s website, unlike other regulations pertaining to the disposal of real estate in public ownership, the law completely precludes competition, making possible customers and prices known in advance. The Agency also believes that the explanation of the law is incomplete and that it contains risks of corruption, related primarily to promoting individual or group interests that go against the public interest.

It is necessary to reconsider and amend the provisions of the law governing the right to purchase and price determination by providing for tendering and competition when selling real estate, and by ruling out, or, in line with precise criteria, additionally limiting the right to reduce prices, the Agency said.

Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic has sent the law back to the Serbian parliament for reconsideration.


7 August 2015