Watchdog to oversee Hungary highway construction in EU plan

BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) — Hungary has joined an initiative meant to increase the oversight of projects funded by the European Union.



Pascal Boijmans, an EU official for regional policy, says state agencies, bidders and external watchdogs are committing to “integrity pacts” — or pledges between all the parties to be transparent and accountable.

The procedures are being used in 11 countries to test “new ways to fight and prevent fraud and corruption.”

Among the projects being watched is the extension of the M6 highway in southern Hungary, a project worth 50 billion forints ($176 million) The Hungarian office of the corruption watchdog, Transparency International, will monitor the massive project.

Jozsef Peter Martin, the director of Transparency International Hungary, says there are increasing corruption risks in Hungary’s public procurement process.

Daily Mail

26 October 2016

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