Surveys - Business, Corruption and Crime in the western Balkans: The impact of bribery and other crime on private enterprise 2013

Business, Corruption and Crime in the western Balkans: The impact of bribery and other crime on private enterprise 2013

This study was composed by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), but it was financed by the Directorate-General of Enlargement of  the European Commission. In this study 12 700 comapanies participated.

The main conclusions are the following:

According to the opinion of examinees from the bussines sector, corruption is the third largest barrier to management in this region. In average, 10% of private enterprises had paid bribes in the past 12 months.

The ways of bribery are different among countries: most of the private enterprises were bribed (in last 12 months) in Serbia (17%) and Albania (15,7%), meanwhile in Croatia there is present paying bribes by private enterprises. On the region basis, 35,7% of bribes are paid to civil servants in cash, then follows food and drink (33,6%).

Frequency of bribery is higher among small enterprises,but  also in those with larger share of foreign capital.

Constructional sector is deeply affected, where 12,2% of examinees declared that they paid bribes to civil servanst, then follows wholesale and retail (10,3%) also, transport and storage (9,9%).

Most of the share of bribes are paid to servants in self-government and public service stuff working in field of taxes and costums.

The most frequent reason of bribery is „accelerating business procedures“ (40,3%),then follows „better treat-man“ (14%) and „enabling ending of process“ (12,7%).

To sum up, corruption represents an important barrier to the economic development of the region. Observing the region in whole, 5,9% of private enterprises decided NOT to undertake larger investment because they expect that they would have to commit bribery.

UNODC 2013