Mandate and objectives
Currently the only regional center devoted solely to curb corruption in South Eastern Europe (SEE), RAI Secretariat represents a concrete and visible demonstration of the member states’ commitment to the continuing, concerted and coordinated fight against corruption in the region.
The Secretariat is the executive body of the Initiative and has to provide general administrative support to the RAI Steering Group. It gives impetus to the fight against corruption in SEE by building on existing actions, through better coordination of all efforts and by relying on high – level political commitment. Its constant goal is to assist and support countries in SEE to adopt efficient legislation, to establish effective institutions, to strengthen institutional capacities and to develop best practices in civil society for a joint sustained fight against corruption. Fulfilling this mission RAI Secretariat:
– Serves as the main focal point for regional anti-corruption cooperation in SEE through coordination, facilitation and dissemination of best practices and lessons learned, as well as through interaction and coordination among member states and other international partners;
– Also serves as a multidisciplinary Anti-corruption Resource Center and network for information and expertise exchange by offering a platform of interaction among relevant regional and international actors;
– Organizes anti-corruption regional/national events, including specialized trainings, based on requests by the member states and its own assessment of the regional needs.
RAI Secretariat’s programmatic objectives are determined by the Work Plans, adopted during the annual Steering Group Meetings. The overall programmatic objectives identified in the Plan are:
– To execute and implement RAI specific decisions, policies and strategies;
– To promote and ensure that individual country needs and priorities are addressed by the regional programs;
– To assist RAI countries in the process of adopting and implementing the international standards related to the fight against corruption;
– To enhance regional cooperation in the fight against corruption;
– To participate within different stakeholders’ anti-corruption activities in line with RAI specific decisions, policies and strategies.
Regarding the overall objectives, RAI Secretariat will continue to undertake all necessary steps in achieving its specific programmatic objectives:
– Supporting the process of adoption and implementation of the UN Convention against corruption by the member countries;
– Supporting the process of developing and implementing regional and national anti-corruption programs for raising public awareness;
– Sharing best practices in fighting high – level corruption in RAI countries;
– Assessing the regional anti-corruption needs and specific requirements;
– Promoting the public – private partnership in reducing the impact of corruption within the business environment.
Regarding its mission and objectives, RAI Secretariat tailors its activities to directly support the efforts of SEE countries to meet the standards and requirements related to the Justice and Home Affairs field on the road to the main goal – full EU membership.
Related documents:
3. Evaluation Report on implementation of Work Plan 2014 – 2015