RAI News

Youth Perception on Whistleblowing in Bosnia and Herzegovina

October 22, 2020

An online Survey on Youth Perception of Whistleblowing, which the Regional Anti-corruption Initiative first conducted among the members of the youth anti-corruption teams in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the summer of 2020, noted that a large number (67,4%) of young people in this group understand the meaning of whistleblowing. When looking at youth attitudes towards […]

The first virtual RAI School 2020 successfully completed!

October 19, 2020

The Regional Anti-Corruption Initiative (RAI) Summer School for Junior Anti-corruption Practitioners in South-East Europe (SEE) was originally initiated in 2005 as a way to build and strengthen the capacities of anti-corruption bodies in the region and to provide a platform for young practitioners to learn new practices and to exchange experiences. The School was subsequently […]

30 September 2020 – Regional Workshop on Experiences and Challenges in Enforcing Whistleblowing

October 1, 2020

RAI Secretariat was invited to present its project ‘Breaking the Silence: Enhancing the whistleblowing policies and culture in Western Balkans and Moldova’, funded by the European Union, as well as to participate in the expert panel discussion on whistleblowing, at the OSCE and DCAF sponsored Regional Workshop of the Annual Meeting of the Regional Anti-corruption […]

Funded by the EU and implemented by RAI, “Breaking the Silence” unites officials and activists to nurture better practice within government and cultural changes throughout society – for the benefit of whistleblowers

September 18, 2020

“We are going to be very active,” Mr. Vladan Joksimovic, the Head of RAI Secretariat, said of the new project, “We’re looking at institutional arrangements, starting public awareness campaigns that include youth, working with civil society, and building confidence in the public agencies responsible for protecting whistleblowers. The legislation is more or less set up, […]

September 8, 2020 – Inaugurating Steering Committee Meeting of the EU-funded whistleblowing project

September 9, 2020

Project: Breaking the Silence: Enhancing the whistleblowing policies and culture in Western Balkans and Moldova (April 1, 2020-March 31, 2020) Chaired by RAI Secretariat, Sarajevo, the online inauguration project committee meeting with the representatives from EU DG NEAR, Brussels and the Project team provided the opportunity to introduce the priorities of the project, state of […]

An interview with Mr. Joksimovic on whistleblowing in the SEE

July 2, 2020

Head of RAI Secretariat, Mr. Vladan Joksimović, gave an interview to the Radio Free Europe on challenges of efficient and effective implementation of whistleblowing legislation in SEE (read and listen here). This was an opportunity for RAI Secretariat to announce among other things its upcoming assessment of the level of compliance of whistleblowing legislative and […]

July 2, 2020 – GJIN Webinar “Financial Disclosure Systems for Judges”

June 26, 2020

Global Judicial Integrity Network organizes a Webinar on the topic of “Financial Disclosure Systems for Judges” (2 July, 15h-16h CEST). The webinar will provide a unique opportunity to promote the debate, exchange experiences and good practices and learn from jurisdictions that have already introduced financial disclosure systems for their judges and addressed various judicial integrity […]

31st RAI Steering Group Meeting – June 23rd, 2020

June 25, 2020

The 31st Steering Group Meeting of the Regional Anti-corruption Initiative (RAI) was held via teleconference on June 23rd, 2020. This was the first teleconference meeting of the Regional Anti-corruption Initiative Steering Group. The focus of the Steering Group Meeting was the discussion of the strategic and programmatic outlook of RAI in the upcoming biannual period. […]

Report: Effective Implementation of Asset Recovery Measures in the Western Balkans: an overview of a regional monitoring methodology, key benchmarks and case studies of good practice

June 5, 2020

The report “Effective Implementation of Asset Recovery Measures in the Western Balkans: an overview of a regional monitoring methodology, key benchmarks and case studies of good practice” which has been developed within the framework of the 2-year Regional Anti-corruption Project is now available online. The project is implemented by the AIRE (Advice on Individual Rights […]

14 April 2020 – Project Team and National Coordinators Videoconference Meeting under the Regional Anti-corruption Project

April 14, 2020

In line with the preventative measures against the COVID-19 outbreak, AIRE Centre and RAI Secretariat have introduced video teleconference meetings to bridge disruptions in the implementation of the Regional Anti-corruption Project funded by the UK Government. Implementation of a Regional Project is a challenging task at any time, and during such daring times as the […]

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