Summer School on “Financial Investigations and Asset Recovery”

Regional Anti-corruption Initiative proudly announces that Chisinau, Moldova will host 11th edition of the Summer School for Junior Anti-corruption Practitioners from South-Eastern Europe from 6 June – 10 June 2016.


The Summer School will bring together 20 professionals from 9 South East Europe countries as well as 6 renowned trainers from all over the world.

The topic of the Summer School is “Financial Investigations and Asset Recovery”. The objectives of the event are to transfer new knowledge and innovative approaches in anti-corruption, to build junior professionals capacity and therefore build capacity of their respective institutions, and to enable networking and strengthen regional cooperation.

Summer School 2016 is organized with support of CEI – Central European Initiative and RCC – Regional Cooperation Council, hosted by the National Anti-corruption Centre of Moldova.

To set up interviews please contact the Secretariat at

For more information about the event please go to following link:

National Anticorruption Center of Republic of Moldova

3 June 2016