Others – Serbia Anti Corruption Institutional Framework

– Administration for the Prevention of Money Laundering (Управа за спречавање прања новца / Uprava za sprečavanje pranja novca) – click for more information



Email: uprava@apml.org.rs

tel. +381 11 20 60 151 / +381 11 20 60 152

General information

Established: 2002

Competencies: to collect, analyze, and store data obtained from OBLIGORS; notifies competent state authorities (prosecutors, police, etc.) when it finds transactions that are suspected to be money laundering or financing terrorism; may temporary freeze suspect transactions


– Internal Affairs Sector, Ministry of Interior (Сектор унутрашње контроле полиције, Министарства унутрашњих послова / Sektor unutrašnje kontrole policije, Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova) – click for more information



Email: sukp@mup.sr.gov.yu

tel. +381 113 121 555

General information

Established: 2001

Structure: headed by Assistant Minister, Head of Directorate and Deputy; divided into three main Units and subdivided into Divisions

Competencies: to monitor and oversee the work performance of the Ministry of Interior law enforcement officers


– Republic Commission for Protection of Rights in the Public Procurement Procedures (Републичка комисија за заштиту права у поступцима јавних набавки / Republička komisija za zaštitu prava u postupcima javnih nabavki) – click for more information



Email: republicka.komisija@kjn.gov.rs

tel. +381 011/20 60 902

General information

Established: 2003

Structure: headed by President and composed of six members; work is done in panels composed of three members

Competencies: to review and decide on requests from procuring entities or bidders who believe their rights have been violated; to decide on appeal of conclusions made by the Public Procurement Office


– State Audit Institution ­(Државна ревизорска институција / Državna revizorska institucija) – click for more information



Email: kancelarija@dri.rs

tel. +381 011/30 42 200

General information

Established: 2005

Structure: headed by the President, Vice-President, and Council; composed of audit departments and support services department

Competencies: to audit public funds; to give suggestions to draft proposals of laws and regulations and amendments to existing laws


– Protector of Citizens / Ombudsman (Заштитник грађана / Zaštitnik građana) – click for more information



Email: zastitnik@zastitnik.rs

tel. +381 11 2068 100

General information

Established: 2005

Structure: composed of Ombudsman and four deputies; General Secretary oversees the Administrative and Professional Services, which is divided into three sectors

Competencies: to ensure to protection of citizens by checking whether governmental institutions are operating within the confines of the law and with respect to human rights


– Public Procurement Office (Управа за јавне набавке / Uprava za javne nabavke)



tel. +381 11 28 88 712 / +381 11 28 88 714

General information

Established: 2003

Structure: headed by Director; divided into two technical/administrative working Groups and Sector for Public Procurement, which is further subdivided

Competencies: to monitor public procurement procedures and handle initial complaints; to assist in drafting public procurement regulations; to provide consulting services to contracting authorities and bidders