Law Enforcement – Montenegro Anti Corruption Institutional Framework


– Administration for Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (Uprava za sprječavanje pranja novca i finansiranja terorizma) – click for more information




tel. +382 20 210 025

General information

Structure: Director and Cabinet oversee the work of three sectors and the General Task, Finance and IT Service

Competencies: to detect, investigate, and prevent money laundering and terrorist financing

Level of Independence

– Permanence: formed by the Decree of the Government of Montenegro of 15.12.2003 (OG 67/03) pursuant to the Law on Prevention of Money Laundering (OG 55/03)

– Appointment: Director elected by the Government on the proposal of the Administration

– Removal: Director dismissed by the Government on the proposal of the Administration

– Financial Autonomy: budget adopted in standard procedure


– Department for the Fight Against Organized Crime and Corruption, Police Directorate, Ministry of Interior (Odsjek za borbu protiv organizovanog kriminala i korupcije, Uprava policije, Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova) – click for more information




tel. +382 20 241 964

General information

Established: 2005

Competencies: to provide for the safety and protection of citizens through internal security and the prevention and suppression of organized crime and corruption;Organized Crime and Corruption Division monitors and analyzes organized crime activity and implements operational activities in regards to individuals and groups

Level of Independence

– Permanence: established in Rulebook on Internal Organisation and Job Descriptions of Police Directorate (adopted in December 2006)

– Appointment: headed by Main Police Inspector

– Removal: The Main Police Inspector has the authority to remove the head of Organized Crime and Corruption Division

– Immunity: No

– Financial Autonomy: budget adopted in standard procedure



– Special State Prosecutor’s Office (Spcijalno drzavno tuzilastvo, Vrhovno drzavno tuzilastvo Crne Gore)  – click for more information




tel. +382 020 230 624

General information

Established: 2003

Structure: division is composed of the Special Prosecutor and Deputy Special Prosecutors

Competencies: to prosecute cases of criminal offences of corruption, terrorism and war crimes

Level of Independence

– Permanence: established in OG 69/2003 Law on Prosecutor’s Office

– Appointment: Chief State Prosecutor appoints the Special Prosecutor upon prior opinon from the Prosecutors Council

– Removal: The Special Prosecutor shall be removed in the event of unprofessional performance of the duties entrusted to him/her or if the Department fails to achieve positive results in its work. The decision on removal of the Special Prosecutor shall be made by the Chief State Prosecutor.

– Immunity: No

– Financial Autonomy: budget adopted in standard procedure