Judiciary – Albania Anti Corruption Institutional Framework

Specialized Courts:

– Court for Serious Crimes (Gjykata e Krimeve të Rënda) – click for more information



Email: seriouscrimescourt@gjkr.gov.al

tel. +355 04 228 664 / tel. +355 04 228 731

Level of Independence

– Permanence: Law No. 9110 of 24.07.2003

– Appointment: appointed by the President of Albania upon the proposal of the High Council of Justice

– Removal: Law 8436: “Judges of the first instance and of appeal may be criminally prosecuted only with the approval of the High Council of Justice. A judge may be detained or arrested only if he is caught during the commission of a crime or immediately after committing it. The competent organ immediately notifies the High Council of Justice. If the High Council of Justice does not give its consent within 24 hours to send the arrested judge to court, the competent authority is obliged to release him.”

– Immunity: Yes

– Financial Autonomy: “The judicial power has a separate budget, which is administered by it according to the provisions of a separate law.” Law 8436