6 – 10 November 2017, Vienna, Austria: Conference of the States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption

Regional Anti-corruption Initiative (RAI) represented by Anti-corruption Expert, Mr Tomislav Ćurić, is participating at the seventh session of the Conference of the States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption, which is being held at the United Nations Office at Vienna, Vienna International Centre, from 6 – 10 November 2017.


Pursuant to the decisions taken by the Conference at its sixth session, the Conference is expected to concentrate on key issues regarding the review of the implementation of the Convention, asset recovery, international cooperation, prevention and technical assistance. In keeping with past practice, the general discussion of the Conference will serve as an opportunity for high-level representatives to address the Conference and provide guidance for its deliberations and the achievement of its objectives.


Mr Tomislav Ćurić will use this opportunity to present International Treaty on Exchange of Data for the Verification of Asset Declarations within the Expert group on International Cooperation. The Treaty directly implements Resolution 6/4 of the sixth Conference of the States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption, from November 2015, which urges Member States to consider the possibility of concluding multilateral agreements on civil and administrative matters relating to corruption, including international cooperation.

Programme flyer can be found here.

More information can be found here.

6 November 2017

RAI Secretariat