Moldova: Syrian consul in Moldova suspected of corruption

Syria’s honorary consul in Moldova, Ibrahim al-Ahmad, has the status of a suspect in the case that involves consul of the Republic of Moldova in Istanbul. The Syrian official is suspected of exercising influence on several persons, who allegedly offered bribes to have their documents prepared at the Moldovan Consulate in Istanbul.

Asked by CrimeMoldova, the head of Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office said that he would provide details on this case upon the completion of the prosecution.”

According to, sources from the Foreign Ministry claim that Ibrahim al-Ahmad, being an influential person in the Arab community in Moldova, redirected its representatives to the Moldovan consul in Istanbul, saying “he knows Mr. Philip and he will take care of their problems and telling them how much money to put in the passport.”

According to the source, the diplomat does not acknowledge his guilt, even if several persons confirm the information.

We remind you that Ibrahim al-Ahmad and his brother are also involved in a corruption case, initiated by anti-corruption prosecutors in early 2015.

At that time, searches were conducted at the homes of the two suspects, following a complaint filed to the NAC. A resident of Chisinau claimed that the Syrian Consul’s brother had requested from her 1,800 euros to help her complete the documents, needed to obtain a visa for the entry into the Republic of Moldova for the relatives of her husband, a citizen of Syria.

Moreover, the Consul General of the Republic of Moldova in Istanbul, Veaceslav Filip, was detained on November 16 in a corruption case.

22 September 2017

Crime Moldova

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