Tirana, 6 March 2017: Conference on Corruption Proofing in Albanian Legislation

RAI Programme Team, composed of Mr. Vladan Joksimovic, Mr. Tomislav Curic and Ms. Iva Komsic are participating at the Conference on Corruption Proofing in Albanian Legislation, organized by Ministry of State on Local Issues, Republic of Albania in cooperation with IDRA (Institute for Development Research and Alternatives), with financial support of Embassy of Netherlands. The event is organized in Tirana, Albania on 6 March 2017 in Hotel Tirana International.

The goal of the Conference is to present the Methodology on Corruption Proofing in the Albanian Legislation, developed by IDRA, as well as to present the main findings of the 1st report on „Corruption Proofing in Albanian legislation“. The participants have the possibility to hear more about good practices in effective legislation drafting as well as to discuss them.

Head of RAI Secretariat Mr Vladan Joksimovic gave a regional overview of corruption proofing developments. Further on, Mr Joksimovic  presented the activities within the South Eastern Europe Regional Programme on Strengthening the Capacity of Anti-corruption Authorities and Civil Society to Combat Corruption and Contribute to the UNCAC Review Process, currently implementing by RAI and UNODC in the region, with the focus on activities implemented in Albania so far.  Among the panelists there are Mr Bledi Cuci – Minister on Local Issues as the National Anticorruption Coordinator, Mr Aron Pasha – IDRA Executive Director, Ms. Dewi Van Der Weerd – Ambassador of Netherlands in Albania.

On the margins of the Conference, RAI Team held a meeting with the national stakeholders in order to discuss and define further steps to be taken and potential support RAI can provide to Albanian authorities within the Regional Programme implementation.

RAI Secretariat

6 March 2017


Bosnia and Herzegovina






