Afghanistan: The Anti-Corruption Justice Centre holds its first trials

On 12 November, the Anti-Corruption Justice Centre (ACJC) held its first two trials. The trials were open to the public, and were also attended and monitored by representatives from civil society, media, and national and international observers.


“The opening trail of the Anti-Corruption Justice Centre demonstrates the government’s commitment to prosecute significant corruption cases of high ranking government officials. We expect more trials to follow and to continue to be held in public. Afghanistan must end the culture of impunity ” says the EU Special Representative in Afghanistan, Ambassador Franz-Michael Mellbin.

The establishment of the ACJC is consistent with a recommendation from the 5 May 2016 EU Conference ”The Way Forward for Anti-Corruption in Afghanistan”, which was co-hosted by President Ghani at the Presidential Palace.

The EU Delegation in Afghanistan urges the Government of Afghanistan to continue to take effective as agreed to combat corruption.

14 November 2016

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